
Weymouth Mews

11th May 2017

34 & 43 Weymouth Mews consists of the majority demolition 34 Weymouth Mews, demolition of extended building at rear, retention of the front façade, formation of approx. 250m2 basement and constructing new building to form 4 nr new apartments to the rear of Asia House. Nr 34 floor slab will be acoustically separated from the bearing slab in order to minimise the impact from existing tube lines below the development.

Nr43 will see the Refurbishment and alteration works to the existing listed building to form 2 new apartments above the Dover Castle public house. Works will include the formation of basement/lowering of existing lower ground floor to create new premises for the incoming tenant taking over the Dover Castle Public House. In the upper floors, existing historic building fabric will be retained where possible and traditional methods of construction will be utilised to replace what is deemed to be beyond repair, such as lath and plaster to walls and ceiling, fibrous plaster works for cornice replacement and lime skimming. Within the existing building fabric, 2 high end residential dwellings will be created using a mix of old and new construction to bring the best of both together.

A link bridge will be constructed to the nr 34 development to create 6nr apartments in total. Entrance to the apartments above the public house will be from the mews street behind and be completely separate from the public house.

An excellent mixed use development for Howard de Walden Estate, utilising the space in the best possible way.

Forcia have formed basement within nr 43 and structural alterations are in progress. Upcoming tasks will be include the roof alterations, MEPH first fix and Lath and Plaster works.

Demolition of nr 34 has been complete. The majority of basement structure, mass excavations groundworks and drainage has been complete. Upcoming tasks will include the casting of basement bearing slab, acoustic isolation works, formation of reinforced concrete frame.
